Top Ten Table Mountain Trail Runs

A few years ago, I started a series of blog posts with this ambitious title. I always wanted to draw them together so here it is. This is just a taste of what trails we have available in our city. There are many more and many variations. The below list makes an awesome tick list to complete during a holiday. I would love to guide you on any of the below or a variation to meet your requirements. Please do contact me to enquire.

#1 Kringe in die Bos (1-2 hours)

A great trot through the forests above Newlands and Kirstenbosch a long-time favourite! This can be as easy or tough as you feel like it. Many variations exist.

#2 Arboretum Silvermine Loop (2-3 hours)

This is quite a demanding route if incorporating the start at the Arboretum. I often do the Silvermine section which gives a great 2-3 hour route. In summer this offers a great dam for swimming in after the run.

#3 Mowbray Ridge (2-3 hours)

A real mountain trail including a scramble section above the King’s Blockhouse. We run part of the Two Ocean’s Trail Run route.

#4 Myburgh’s Ravine (2-3 hours)

A non-technical scramble above the valley of Hout Bay gives access to the back table overlooking Hout Bay. A dog leg to Juda’s Peak gives us an excuse to visit the Urban Brewery with a beer of the same name.

#5 Contour Path (1-2 hours)

My old training ground. Real running on the front of the mountain, above the city. A great way to beat the sunrise or let go of the day.

#6 Hout Bay to Llandudno Traverse (2-6 hours)

This is the most adventurous route of them all. Properly technical, remote with scrambling above a big ocean. Only to be attempted in perfect weather and at low tide.

#7 Constantia Greenbelt (1-3 hours)

This is a great link up of the Constantia Greenbelts including Die Hel.

#8 Three Single Tracks (1-3 hours)

Devil’s Peak gives some of the best trails our city has to offer. The King’s (and Queen’s) Blockhouse are features we explore and learn more about their history in the early days of the Cape.

#9 Cape Point (1-4 hours)

The Cape Point Nature Reserve has some amazing trails worth exploring. A real hidden gem at the tip of our Peninsula.

#10 Lion’s Head Loop (1-2 hours)

This is THE run to do if you only have time to do one run while you visit. The basic loop is 5km and takes you past the most expensive real estate in the city. It can easily be extended with one of the many variations to 15km with amazing views and stunning terrain and technical single track.


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